Every Body Wants It…

In the quest for better health, good posture stands as a foundational element. While everyone desires to achieve it, the path to proper alignment is a journey that requires time, dedication, and patience. In our fast-paced world, we often look for quick fixes, but when it comes to improving posture, patience and persistence are key. Changing long-established habits and retraining our bodies takes time. Correct posture is crucial for overall health, but achieving and maintaining it can be a complex task. It requires a combination of different approaches to retrain our bodies and minds. Thomas Meyers, an expert in anatomy and movement, perfectly captures this sentiment:

Once balanced sitting is achieved, it needs to be practiced assiduously for some days or weeks until both the nerves and their minions, the muscles, have adjusted to the changes.

Anatomy Trains

This underscores the importance of consistent effort and dedication in the pursuit of better posture.

Every body wants to experience the benefits of good posture—reduced pain, improved breathing, and enhanced overall well-being. However, transforming long-held habits doesn't happen overnight. Here’s why it takes time and how you can stay committed to this vital change:

Rewiring Your Body

  • Your muscles have adapted to your current posture, even if it’s incorrect. Changing this requires consistent practice to build a new efficient movement pattern.

  • Your Neuromuscular System needs time to adapt to new positions and signals. This process involves re-educating your body’s alignment and creating new more efficient movement patterns.

Daily Commitment

  • Incorporate posture checks into your daily routine. Whether you’re sitting, standing, or moving, be mindful of your alignment.

  • Engage in exercises that strengthen core and back muscles.

Mindfulness and Awareness

  • Stay mindful of your posture throughout the day. Set reminders that prompt you to check your alignment. Gradually, maintaining good posture will become second nature.

Adjusting Your Environment

  • Make ergonomic adjustments to your workspace and home environment. Ensure your desk, chair, and computer setup support good posture to reduce strain on your spine.

  • Have a good look at the purse/bag/briefcase you carry around every day. How heavy is that? Could you lighten the load?

Listen to Your Body

  • Pay attention to how your body feels as you make these changes. Discomfort or pain might indicate the need for further adjustments or professional guidance. Be patient and gentle with yourself.

The transformation to better posture is akin to a marathon, not a sprint. Just as Meyers advises, achieving balanced sitting - or any aspect of good posture - requires dedicated practice. Over time, with persistent effort, your Neuromuscular system will adapt, leading to lasting improvements in posture and overall health.

Embrace the journey with patience and dedication. Your future self will thank you for the time and effort you invest today in achieving better posture.


Respect the Pops, Pings, & Twinges


Consistency is Key